What We’re About!
We believe there is a God.
We believe that every person on the face of the planet, since the beginning of mankind has done something stupid, something wrong, something sinful.
We believe that all the sin and junk in our lives is what has kept us away from God… but we also know that since the beginning, God had a plan…
We believe that roughly 2000 years ago, God sent His Son, Jesus, down to earth in the form of a man. Jesus lived a human life, yet a spotless, sinless life… for a reason…
We believe that Jesus Christ was murdered on a cross, though He had done nothing wrong. But this was not a senseless act of injustice…
We believe that every sin of mankind was placed on Jesus Christ as He hung from the cross. And as He breathed His final breath, and yielded up His life, He took all our sins with Him.
We believe that, because of this sacrifice, anyone can be forgiven of all their sins, every single “bad thing” that they’ve done… All you have to do is believe in Jesus Christ and follow Him.
We believe that when you make the choice to follow Christ, your first act of obedience to Him will be a choice to be baptized. Being baptized seems simple enough – it’s a full-body submersion in water – but several crucial things happen…
We believe that when a person is baptized there is a renewal of the heart. We go into the water covered with sin, yet come out a new person – a person who has a Hope of salvation! Upon being baptized we also believe that a person receives a special gift from God – the Holy Spirit.
We believe that the Holy Spirit is a real, active aspect of God that resides within us. We believe that people around us can see the effects of the Holy Spirit on our personal lives, as we begin to show more love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, gentleness and self-control…
These are a few of the things we believe… But know this: we love to talk. We love to discuss stuff about God, about faith, about brokenness and healing and hope. Talk to us. We’d love to hear your story…